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By 2050 there will be an estimated 10 billion humans living on this planet. Beyond that being a lot of mouths to feed, those folks will be, on average, wealthier than today''s population, with a taste for the foods found in regions like the US and Western Europe. But we simply don''t have the capability, the land or the production resources to ensure that many people can eat a cheeseburger whenever the mood strikes. Luckily, researchers from around the globe are working on alternative-protein sources to supplement our existing beef, pork and chicken. 預計到2050年,將有100億人生活在地球上。除了要養活這麼多人之外,2050年的人類平均富裕程度將超過此時,他們也許會喜歡美國和西歐等地區的食物。但是人類沒有能力,沒有土地,沒有生產資源來保證那麼多人在心情不好的時候可以吃芝士漢堡。幸運的是,世界各地的研究人員正在研究提供蛋白質的替代品,用來補充牛肉、豬肉和雞肉的缺乏。 ... Of course, there''s tofu, which has been used as a meat replacement for thousands of years. But today''s consumers expect their protein substitutes to closely resemble the meats they''re replacing, which is why Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat have arrived to such public fanfare. These plant-based burger alternatives offer the same bloody sizzle that beef does. In Impossible''s case, that comes from heme derived from soy roots that have been fermented in genetically engineered yeast. Beyond Meat, on the other hoof, relies on a processing method that "aligns plant-proteins in the same fibrous structures you''d find in animal proteins." But as much as they look, smell and taste like a real beef patty, these products are still extruded plant matter -- and highly processed products at that. 當然,幾千年來豆腐一直被用作肉類替代品。但今天的消費者希望他們的蛋白質替代品與替代的肉類非常相似,這就是為什麼Impossible Foods和Beyond Meat兩大食品公司會受到如此廣泛的關注。這些植物基漢堡吃起來也會有與真正牛肉相同的血腥嘶嘶聲。Impossible Foods的植物產品中的肉感是來自於從大豆根中的血紅素,但不再是從大豆中提取,而是通過基因工程在酵母中發酵產生血紅素。而Beyond Meat公司使用的是一種「將植物蛋白與動物蛋白的纖維結構對齊」的加工技術。儘管產品的外觀、香味、口感都像真正的牛肉肉餅,但這些產品都是由植物原材料高度加工而來。 Julie Lesnik, a biological anthropologist at Wayne State University, advocates that we look to get our meat from smaller, more-resource-efficient animals than cattle -- specifically, crickets. She points out that per kilogram, crickets offer roughly the same amount of protein as beef as well as significantly more micronutrients, since you''re consuming the exoskeleton as well. 韋恩州立大學的生物人類學家朱莉·萊斯尼克認為,人類應該從比牛體型更小、更節省資源的動物身上獲取肉類——典型的就是蟋蟀。她指出,每公斤蟋蟀提供的蛋白質與牛肉大致相同,同時還含有更多的微量營養素,因為同時你也會把蟋蟀的外骨骼吃下去。 ... She also notes that given their diminutive stature and affinity for cramped, dark places, crickets require far less arable land than cattle do, citing a 2013 report by the UN''s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Whereas it takes around 200 square meters of space to grow one kilogram of beef, the same amount of cricket needs only about 15 square meters. They can even be vertically farmed. Their water requirements are equally reduced compared to the 22,000 liters required to produce that kilo of beef. 朱莉還指出,根據聯合國糧農組織2013年的一份報告,蟋蟀體型小,喜歡生活在狹窄黑暗的地方,因此養殖蟋蟀所需的面積比牛少得多。生產一公斤牛肉大約需要200平方米,而等量的蟋蟀只需要大約15平方米。甚至還可以縱向養殖。與生產一公斤牛肉所需的22000升水相比,養殖蟋蟀的需水量同樣也減少了。 Crickets for the same yield of protein "use less than one liter of water... based on the fact that crickets get all their water needs from their food," Lesnick said during a recent SciLine webcast. "You still use water to clean your facilities and all the different processing, so one liter is an incredibly idealistic number. So I generally present this more like 100 liters just to be less sensational." 在最近的一次SciLine網絡直播中,朱莉表示:「養殖蟋蟀生產等量蛋白質需要的水不到一升……,當然清潔設備和加工過程仍然需要使用水,所以一升是一個理想中的數字。我一般都說100升,這樣聽起來就不會那麼令人驚訝了。」 Switching our diets from cow to cricket could help slow climate change as well. The FAO estimates that grazing animals are responsible for as much as 40 percent of the methane released into the atmosphere every year. Crickets, however, don''t generally eat grasses and hay and therefore produce a fraction of the greenhouse gasses. (Meanwhile, thanks to their fiber-based diet, termites are a significant source of methane. So we won''t likely be raising them as a food source in the foreseeable future.) According to a 2019 white paper by the World Economic Forum, replacing beef with alternative proteins could reduce methane emissions anywhere from seven to 26 percent, depending on the region 從牛向蟋蟀的轉變也有助於減緩氣候變化。據聯合國糧農組織估計,每年向大氣中排放的甲烷中,有40%來源於畜牧。但是,蟋蟀一般不吃草,因此產生的溫室氣體很少。(同時,由於白蟻以纖維為食,它們是甲烷的重要來源。所以在不久的將來,人類不太可能把白蟻作為食物)。根據世界經濟論壇2019年發布的白皮書,用蟋蟀替代牛肉可以減少7%到26%的甲烷排放,具體減少量取決於地區。 Despite all the nutritional and environmental upsides, getting people to eat crickets -- especially when the finished product still looks like a cricket -- has proved challenging. "When we''re thinking about why we don''t eat insects, it''s really a story of Europe and that Europe being in high latitudes, insects aren''t available year-round," Lesnick continued. "Eating insects in the summer can give a reprieve from hunting, but it''s nutritionally redundant, so it''s not an important resource." And as European nations colonized Africa and Asia, where insects are generally available year-round, they spread their notions on bugs'' relative edibility with them. ... 雖然蟋蟀有這麼多營養和環境方面的好處,但是讓人們吃蟋蟀——尤其是當產品看起來還是像蟋蟀的時候——確實存在挑戰性。朱莉表示:「當我們思考人類為什麼不吃昆蟲的時候,這就需要提及歐洲的歷史,因為歐洲地處高緯度地區,並非全年都有昆蟲。在夏天吃昆蟲可以暫時避免狩獵,但在營養上是多餘的,所以昆蟲沒有成為一種重要的食物來源。」隨著歐洲國家殖民非洲和亞洲,這裡一年四季都有昆蟲,昆蟲可食的觀念就傳播開來。 So instead of replacing cows and other farmyard animals wholesale with insect protein, why not just grow only the parts that we''re interested in eating? That''s the promise of cellular agriculture. "The idea is rather that we would take the whole cell of a chicken and convert that to a chicken breast instead of using the whole chicken organism to make a blade or a steak," Kate Krueger, Research Director at New Harvest, explained during the same webcast. 那與其用昆蟲大規模代替牛肉和其它家禽,為什麼不直接培養人類需要的呢?這就是細胞農業的前景。New Harvest公司的研究主管凱特·克魯格在同一次網絡直播中說:「我們的想法是一隻雞全身上下都是雞胸肉,而不是用整隻雞來做一片肉或一塊雞排。」 "What we''re talking about is taking cells out of an organism like a cow or a chicken, growing them up onto a material called a scaffold, which organizes the scale cells and helps them grow in thick quantities," she continued, "and then feeding them with a variety of different nutrients and minerals in a bioreactor to make a full steak-type product." At least that''s the theory. Krueger estimated that we''re still at least a decade away from being able to produce steaks or sashimi in appreciable quantities, though the process should be able to deliver less readily identifiable products like meatballs and chicken nuggets in as little as five years. 凱特表示:「目前我們的想法是首先從牛或雞身上提取細胞,然後在所謂『scaffold』材料中培養這些細胞,幫助細胞不斷增殖,之後在生物反應器中注入各種養分和礦物質,最終形成一個完整的雞排或牛排樣子的產品。」至少理論上是這樣。凱特估計,我們至少還需要10年的時間才能生產出數量可觀的牛排或生魚片,但是我們應該能在短短5年內生產出不易識別的產品,如肉丸和雞塊。 ... Given how young the technology is (the first lab-grown burger was introduced in 2013 and cost $325,000), cellular agriculture''s environmental impact has yet to be fully understood. A 2011 study published in Environmental Science and Technology figured that growing meat in a lab rather than a feed yard would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 78 to 96 percent and require seven to 45 percent less energy and 82 to 96 percent less water. Those estimates may have been a bit overzealous though, according to a number of subsequent studies that also took into account the energy costs of developing the infrastructure needed to grow these meats. 考慮到這是一種新興技術(2013年推出了第一個實驗室培育的漢堡,耗資32.5萬美元),目前細胞農業對環境的影響所知不多。發表在2011年《環境科學與技術》雜誌上的一項研究指出,相比於畜牧,在實驗室培養肉類可以減少78%至96%的溫室氣體排放,還可以減少7%至45%的能耗和82%至96%的用水量。不過,根據隨後的一些研究,這些估計可能有點過於樂觀。因為還需要考慮實驗室人造肉所需的基礎設施的能源成本。 A 2019 study published in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems notes, "Under continuous high global consumption, cultured meat results in less warming than cattle initially, but this gap narrows in the long term and in some cases cattle production causes far less warming." While cows produce methane, cellular agriculture generates a lot of carbon dioxide. This is because you''re growing meat in what is essentially a sterile lab environment with high energy demand. 發表在2019年《可持續食品系統前沿》雜誌上的一項研究指出,「在全球持續高消費量的情況下,短期內,實驗室人造肉對控制溫室效應是有利的,但從長期來看,差距其實是很小的,甚至在某些情況下,相較於實驗室培養,室外飼養對控制溫室效應更有利。」牛排出甲烷,而細胞農業則會產生大量的二氧化碳。因為是在一個無菌的實驗室環境中培養肉類,而這需要大量的能量。 ... While the price of a lab-grown burger dropped to around $11 by 2015, growing meat at scale is still an expensive proposition. "Traditionally, a lot of the media sources [that cells live and feed on] tend to be really expensive for a few different reasons," Krueger explained. "They usually either contain a fraction of fetal cow blood, which would make products not vegan and is also fairly expensive, or they would contain recombinant proteins: proteins that you would make in different cell lines in a largely expensive process." 儘管到2015年,實驗室人造漢堡的價格降至11美元左右,但大規模實驗室人工培養肉類仍然需要投入大量資金。凱特表示:「由於一些原因,維持細胞生存的原料往往非常昂貴。有的含有一小部分胎牛血,這會使產品不是純素食,而且胎牛血也相當昂貴;有的含有重組蛋白,這種蛋白是在不同的細胞系中通過一個非常昂貴的過程製造的。」 That hasn''t dampened interest in the technology, however. "If we start small and stay small, we can essentially dramatically reduce the cost, and the capital burden drops by an order of magnitude or more," Yaakov Nahmias, Founder and Chief Scientist of Future Meat Technologies, told Fast Company in 2018. "With these two plays –- a more efficient bioreactor and a distributed manufacturing model -– we can essentially drop the cost down to about $5 a kilogram [$2.27 a pound]. 然而,這並沒有降低人們對這項技術的興趣。Future Meat Technologies的創始人和首席科學家Yaakov Nahmias在2018年在Fast Company(商業雜誌)表示:「如果先從小規模做起,那麼就可以顯著降低成本,資金投入會下降一個數量級或更多。有了這兩種技術——高效的生物反應器和分布式製造模式——我們基本上可以將成本降至每公斤5美元(約合每磅2.27美元)。 "These distributive models allow us to grow organically and essentially replace chicken coops with these bioreactors," he continued. "This, I think, is a reasonable way of actually taking over and replacing this industry sustainably." Yaakov認為:「這些分布模型可以使規模不斷擴大,並逐漸使用生物反應器取代雞籠。這是一種合理的方式,能夠真正以可持續的方式接管這個行業。」 ... Until bioreactor technology fully matures, we can always eat algae -- aka, seaweed. "Seaweeds don''t require fertilizers, don''t require feed, they don''t require fresh water and they don''t require land," Denise Skonberg, Associate Professor of Food Science in the School of Food and Agriculture at the University of Maine, explained during the same webcast. "So those are a lot of benefits there." What''s more, seaweeds are phenomenal at sequestering carbon and nitrogen; can be grown and harvested in as little as two to three months, depending on the variety; and "are extremely nutrient-dense," Skonberg continued. "They''re primarily noted for their really high content of dietary fiber." 在生物反應器技術完全成熟之前,我們可以吃藻類——也就是海藻。緬因大學食品與農業學院食品科學副教授丹尼斯·斯肯伯格在網絡直播中表示:「海藻不需要化肥,不需要飼料,不需要淡水,也不需要土地。更重要的是,海藻具有驚人的吸收碳和氮的能力;根據品種不同,可以在兩到三個月內種植和收穫;而且營養非常豐富,海藻主要以高含量的膳食纖維著稱。」 Seaweed farming is already a big business, a $6 billion industry, according to recent FAO estimates. However, most of those operations are located in East Asia. Skonberg pointed to America''s northerly shores -- Washington, Maine and New England -- as promising areas for aquaculture industries. "There''s a lot of clean water and a lot of potential for growing seaweed," she said. "We''re starting off by looking at species that do well in temperate waters, and that includes things like sugar kelp, bull kelp -- I mean, there''s a lot of kelps!" 根據糧農組織最近的估計,海藻養殖已經是一項大生意,一個價值60億美元的產業。然而,這些業務大部分位於東亞。斯肯伯格指出,美國北部海岸——華盛頓、緬因州和新英格蘭——非常適合水產養殖。她說:「這裡的水質乾淨,具有種植海藻的潛力。」「我們首先關注適合在溫帶水域種植的海藻,包括糖海帶、牛海帶——我的意思是,適合種植的海藻很多!」 ... However, much more research is needed before you''ll start to see fresh seaweed in the produce aisle. For example, we''re not entirely clear on what the shelf life of fresh seaweed even is, Skonberg noted. It''s a question that was "answered for cauliflower and broccoli hundreds of years ago, but [for seaweed], we have no idea." 然而,斯肯伯格認為:在人們開始看到新鮮的海藻之前,還需要更多的研究。例如,目前人類不完全清楚新鮮海藻的保質期是多少。人類知道花椰菜和西蘭花的保質期,但確實不知道海藻的保質期。 Food safety and regulation concerns must also be addressed. "Research is under way looking at how well different types of species can concentrate heavy metals in their tissue," Skonberg said. "Some that are of interest include arsenic. Research has shown that some of the brown macroalgae tend to concentrate it at a much higher rate than the green or the red macroalgae. ... Where it''s harvested plays a huge, huge role." 食品安全和監管方面的問題也必須得到解決。斯肯伯格表示:「目前研究正在進行中,觀測不同種類的海藻組織富集重金屬的能力如何。其中有趣的就包括砷的富集。研究表明,一些棕色的大綠藻比綠色或紅色的大綠藻富集砷的速度要快得多。種植地點扮演著非常重要的角色。」 ... So whether it comes from a cricket or a lab or off the coast of Indonesia, tomorrow''s protein alternatives will be a win for both consumers and the environment。 因此,無論是來自蟋蟀、實驗室還是印度尼西亞海岸,未來的蛋白質替代品都將是消費者和環境的雙贏。
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